Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Taste of Victory

I'm engaged in an ongoing debate with my students about success. While we agree that each person has his or her own definition of what success is, we disagree on one point: they say it's possible to feel full success when you are attempting to prove others wrong-- and I say it's a better victory to succeed for yourself.

I tell them it's hard to live a life where you're constantly attempting to prove others wrong. That's a lot of negative kind of energy. Wouldn't it be better to channel that energy inward and succeed at something that belongs wholly to you?

It's different to have a victory and share it with others, than to share a victory with people who thought you couldn't achieve it to begin with.

I guess what this comes down to is surrounding yourself with people who love and appreciate you, who believe in your potential to achieve from the very beginning. Not everyone can do this in the environment they grew up in. I try to tell my students that college is a time to change that-- there are people here who can and will support you in everything you want to do-- just make sure you're asking for good support from good people!

(Aside: sometimes I think I'm more motivational speaker and entertainer than instructor).


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