Thursday, September 07, 2006

Some random mindnight-ish ramblings

1. Why must water fountains always smell like... I dunno... uhhh... shit? Seriously-- the other day I walked past the new dorms, Celani and Fabiano, with the lovely water fountains in front; and, from afar, I was thinking, "This is a really lovely set-up. CMU is really trying all kinds of new things to attract students these days. We offer stiff competition against MSU, Grand Valley, Ferris, etc..." and then I smelled the water spouting from the fountains. These buildings and their fountains are less than two months old. Why can't the water spewing away smell brand bloody-spanking new as well?

2. My sister, Angela. Best Person on Earth, hands-down. She's a phlebolomist, and occasionally works out of one of the big hospitals deep the in the dirty armpit-like sections of the ghetto. In one case, there isn't secured parking for employees. So, my sister, knowing she will be accosted by street people begging for money, carries several packets of Ramen noodles in her bag. When asked for money, she says, "Sorry, I don't have any on me. But do you want some soup?" Apparently, there are always takers, since the street peeps can get hot water for free in basically any establishment.

3. Breaking Up with Shannen Doherty. Just finished watching this show on the Oh! Network. It's horrible. It's like one of those candid camera, hahahaha set-you-up shows... only it isn't funny at all. People conspire with gap-toothed evil Shannen to break up with their significant other-- an elaborate scenario is invented, a video message relayed, and Shannen goes in to complete the dirty work. Tonight's episode featured a girl who kept going back to this sonuvabitch who was certain he was God's gift. He told her how to act how to dress how to sit how to stand and basically told her she was a fat cow. Yeah, in this case, I support the break-up-- but it's too bad the girl had to hire a TV friend to help her make a clean break. I'm not dissing the girl, but all the people around her who should've helped and didn't.

4. Let's hear it for step aerobics. I did a class earlier this evening. I'm gonna feel it tomorrow. But, I really tried hard to kick it up a notch by doing extra jumping. What can I say? I'm getting older, and I wanna show off a little that I can keep up with all the members of the cheerleading team.

5. Let's hear it for deadlines-- however potential they may be. Andrew's dissertation committee delivered a message to him during Week 1 of term: your defense is scheduled for Jan 29, 30, 0r 31. Finish it. Now.

6. Let's hear it for the Mt Pleasant Farmer's Market. Today I bought all the makings of a minestrone soup... for about $5.00. Plus, an oz. of maple sugar and some very ripe plums to sprinkle it on. Sometimes I'm really satisfied with this town.


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