Monday, August 07, 2006

The Facts of Life: "You take the good you take the [sad]"

With the short season of readmittance interviews nearing a close, I've come to realize a thing or two:

1. No matter what, some parents will always overestimate their son or daughter's ability to succeed in college.

2. No matter what, some students will always overestimate their ability to succeed in college.

3. How sad, 1+2, that these people are made to feel-- probably from some sort of societal pressure-- that college/education are the only keys to true success in life.

(I argue very differently from this, in fact-- a degree doesn't really guarantee much of anything in this life-- especially not total fulfillment. There seems to be this overinflated COLLEGE-IS-EVERYTHING sense with many undergraduate students because going to college, as we all well know, is the only way to get an interesting job in your field of expertise and interest. Get with the program, people-- college helps students become people in the world who can do things; but-- you can also do things in the world by doing things other than college-- like working, traveling, and investigating other-- hopefully legal and healthy-- interests. Why should someone be made to feel like putting off college is a bad idea? For some kids, it's the best route to take! Word.)


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