Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Whole Damn World Is Combining and Multiplying

Yesterday and today combined, I've heard three pieces of news concerning marriage and children:

1. A new friend/colleague from the Freshman Orientation staff announced his engagement to us yesterday AM, before yet another freshman orientation

2. A close colleague from the English Dept called while I was at the gym this AM, and left a message with Andrew that I should come see her engagement ring (this news thrills me to the bone-- her man's from England, they met on the net, and then of course in person, and have been going long distance for about a year-- and I told her this entire school year, "Better pack those bags, girl-- you're gonna marry him,"-- and she chided me the entire year, "How do you even know that?" To which I'd smugly reply, "Dunno. Just do." Turns out I was right!)

3. My older sister Amy, mother to one-year-old Great Ball of Fire Lincoln Edward Mendenhall, called to say she will have another baby this upcoming March. (Yikes. Kids 20 months apart. Lots of crying. Lots of diapers. There's a special place in heaven for moms who endure this... I am not/will not be one of them)

Congrats to all my friends and family, who are happily overpopulating this world.


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