Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sweet Jesus! The Summer Semester Ends!

Now then, in case you can't tell from my highly enthusiastic title, my ENG 201 class will be over on Thursday. All in all, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be teaching a summer class. I needed the money, first of all; and, second of all, my class got along so well together-- helping one another draft, offering editing suggestions, etc.-- that they're trying to plan a pizza party. I don't want to take responsibility for that outing, because I have enough to do already, so I said-- sure guys, go ahead, organize it, and tell me where to show up and I will. Dunno if they'll take the initiative to do this or not.

Teaching seniors and juniors has been refreshingly organized. They can think properly, read actively, and even contribute to disussions. They can write thesis statements that aren't things like: my mom says killing babies is bad, so it's clearly wrong. They're more dimensional people; funnier, more interesting; they understand sarcasm and even irony. Moreover, they don't whine on and on about their grades-- why did you give me a B+ ? I really didn't deserve a B+ ; I got all A's in English in high school. Juniors and seniors are refreshingly over themselves, and don't have as much of a sense of entitlement.

I still do love freshmen, though-- there's something about their spazziness that's like watching a retarded puppy cross a poorly jointed bridge over a shallow puddle.

My plans for the rest of the summer include a visit home to see my peeps and homeys; a visit to TX to see Bacon's fam; and a visit to WI to see some old Mt Pleasant friends who've moved on. My mom visits this week-- we'll take Evan to Mt Pleasant Summer Fest, a hartley-bartley village fete, which includes things like a children's parade, an ice cream social, and a petting zoo. Ain't that America?



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