Monday, June 12, 2006

Evan Goes to Art Class

I've come to the conclusion that enrichment classes for two-year-olds are a complete joke. While the reasons behind child enrichment classes are sound: offer kids a chance to meet other kids, to try something new, etc... they mostly make parents crazy and want to drink.

Case in point: this AM I took Evan to a local art class. The instructor was enthusiastic and welcoming. There were four other kids, ranging in age from 22 months to 5 years. The three older kids had a great time playing little instruments, making animal noises, and dancing. Evan was willing to hold a pair of rattles, which he shook intermittently, but he was unwilling to participate in any group activity or conversation. At one point, the instructor asked, "Evan, what's your favorite animal?" He looked at her like she was on crack, and said, "No."

At craft time, Evan decided it would be a great idea to put his entire hand in the Dixie cup of glue. He then dumped an entire bottle of glitter onto his paper plate, which he was supposed to be decorating into an animal mask. At snack time, he didn't want the juice or the cookies; he preferred to play the piano, bits of green glitter still stuck under his nails.

During final song time, which I thought he would like-- the instructor was playing piano-- he got up, tugged on my arm and said, "All done. Go go go."

In the car, on the way home-- Me: "Evan, did you like art class? Did you have fun today?"
Evan: "No."
Me: "Dad and Evan are going to art class tomorrow!"
Evan: "No."
Me: "You'll have a fun time, singing songs and gluing things."
Evan: "No. DVD?"

I am convinced that the best activities for toddlers are unstructured things like visiting the park, throwing sticks and rocks into the river, and "helping" with chores. Whenever I've taken Evan to something that he's "supposed" to like, he doesn't like it.

He would've been happier playing piano for an hour, or just walking around the building looking at random things.


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