Monday, May 15, 2006

Slightly disorganized, but not without success...

I had a marathon day. Well, in all actuality, it was probably more like a triathalon: I participated in a variety of events, some easier and more mundane than others, but I completed (ha! or competed!) all my tasks with vigor and emerged a winner... so I like to think, anyway.

It began at 6:00 this AM, when I realized that even though my body wanted to sleep until 7:00, my mind didn't. My to-do list seemed to be growing-- Meijer, Secretary of State, meeting with boss; running paperwork to and fro-- even as I lay there in bed, so I just decided to get up and start to-doing. I was out the door by 7:30 AM... looking perky and feeling pretty organized. My plan was going even more according to plan than it possibly could, because I had a head start on The Plan.

That's where The Plan began to crumble.

It seems the only people awake in Mt. Pleasant at 7:30 AM on a Monday congregate at Meijer. Worse yet, it's not even a productive congregation. It's all these old guys in net-backed baseball caps and saggy jeans, eating powder-sugar covered pastry, false teeth clackety-clacking in their mouths. There were like three people pushing shopping carts around the store, and two of them were cart attendants.

However, bolstered my self-esteem was by the comparison of myself and these elderly gentlemen and slow cart attendants, and I proceeded to my next destination. My mind overflowed with positive self-affirmations... "You go, Girl! You're on top of your stuff today! SHA-ZAMM!" This self-congratulatory dialogue came to an abrupt halt when I realized that I was out and about too early for even the Secretary of State to be open. I was an entire HALF HOUR early... their office doesn't open until 9:00 AM.

So, since I wasn't about to sit in the parking lot for half an hour, on I went to my next destination--The Post Office. Turns out I was even too early for that-- they don't open until 8:30 AM.

What kind of town is this, I ask, that I managed to out-wake everyone but the donut-eating Model-T driving Mejer zombies? And the two cart attendants?


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