Tuesday, June 06, 2006

ENG 201 Blues

Sittin' here in class
bored off my fat ass
Ever notice how the word "cerveza"
rhymes so queerly with "tristeza"
one means beer and one means sadness
both are versions of elegant madness
I hate summer
it's a bummer
I should've been a plumber
I'd have a pocketful of dinero
to spend on my favorite hero
it's you it's you
oh yes it's you
especially when you do what you always do
to my feeble heart
which isn't smart
but you're a part of my everyday
in many ways
whether or not you see
it or believe it
some wine would be really great
and I'd like to sleep in late
so I can be a better person tomorrow
happier, happiest, free from sorrow


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