Monday, July 24, 2006

"Liberally educated persons know about..."

"...basic forces, ideas and values which shape the world, and about the structure of organized human knowledge-- the arts and humanities, natural and social sciences, and their values, perspecitves and methods. They are skilled in reasoning, writing, speaking, problem solving, using and interpreting quantitative information, in working with others, including those of diverse ethnic and cultural background, and in thinking reflectively about themselves as individuals and as members of society" (p. 112, 2006-2007 Bulletin Undergraduate Studies, Central Michigan University)

If I used these sentences as a checklist to assess how much I learned in college, or to estimate how many "mad skillz" I acquired as a result of my liberal education, I would definitely be lacking.

I am skilled in: reasoning (sometimes); writing (most of the time); speaking (usually); problem solving (debatable); using and interpreting quantitative information (what does "quantitative" mean, exactly?); in working with others (yes-- and, no, too); including those of diverse ethnic and cultural background (does living abroad with mostly honky-populated areas count here?); and in thinking reflectively about myself as an indvidual and as a member of society (I truly wish I could stop thinking reflexively-- it takes the joy out of absolutely everything).


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