Friday, June 30, 2006

What Can I Say? It's How I Roll!

Well, kids, I'm proud to say that I did a brand new thing this AM. Still feeling the guilt from eating the Amish-baked lard-laden cinnamon roll I bought at the Farmer's Market yesterday, I woke up and decided the thing to do would be to try to run 4 miles.

And this I did. I ran it at 4.0 mph, in about 60 minutes.

My friend Courtney--who runs marathons (and could probably win a part on Baywatch-- she is so fine and fit) for fun-- and who gives me advice about run to manage my own running program-- told me that runners often have "easy runs," that is, where you run slower but for longer than usual. I enjoyed the slow run so much I think I'm going to try to do it once per week at least.

I rather like putting on headphones, rocking out, and running away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! I bet the calories have run away in terror and will never be heard from again.

10:50 PM  

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