Thursday, July 27, 2006

Library Hour: Not Just for Fockers

Evan and I had a very nice morning attending library hour, playing at the park, and shopping for fruit at the Farmer's Market.

But, the highlight of the AM happened at the library, while the librarian was reading Walter the Farting Dog. One of the little boys in attendance shouted out, "You FOCKER!" to no one in particular. His mom, redfaced, turned to him and said, "So-and-so, what did you say?" "FOCKER!" he said again. Since the boy's mom didn't want to interrupt library hour further, she looked at him sternly and said, "Stop saying that right now."

I could tell there was a discussion to be had after story time. Problem is, how do you explain to a little kid that focker, while not really a proper swear word, is almost a proper swear word, and that he therefore shouldn't say it?

Pretty difficult.


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