Tuesday, August 29, 2006

And... they're off....

No, the title isn't in reference to my knickers.

The semester started on Monday, without any major headaches. All my copying was done, most of my students were where they were supposed to be. Not a cell phone rang during class, and not a single student slept while class was in session, just in the moments before. I did discover many embarrassing proofreading errors (like my office phone listed wrong, wrong room number, etc.) on the syllabus for my English class, but I clarified the changes, the students wrote them in, and all was well. I'm pretty sure they still like me.

And, for the first time in years, I actually had a good night's sleep before the first day of school. I dreamt something about sailing smoothly underwater; I wasn't suffocating or anything, just felt content and without the desire to emerge. If that's a harbinger of the mood for this semester, aces for me.

Unrelated, but interesting: an important question a friend recently posed: "Is it more valuable to be deep and meaningful or honest and caring?" Anyone want to take a stab at that one?

Bueller? Bueller?


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