Sunday, August 27, 2006

No, I'm not Dead

This past week was a little on the easy and the uneasy side. After being told by the office of Academic Assistance and Advising that I would have to vacate my floor-to-ceiling windowed lovely office, which I share with only one other instructor, I felt sort of homeless-- but, I turned in my key and turned to the English Dept. to find somewhere else for me to go.

In the meantime, Acadmic Assistance and Advising investigated some other options for me-- and, like, I don't mean to complain, because I'm just temp faculty and am really surprised I even GET an office-- but the other options were pretty crap. My boss and I looked at them together and she was even like, "Ewwww." In the meantime of the meantime, the English Dept found me a small home with another temp faculty, who teaches opposite days from me. This other temp faculty is a nice person, but keeps office like he might have to vacate it in a second. I'm talking stuff in boxes. And not like two boxes, but firehazard-upon-firehazard stacks of boxes. It appears he's kept every paper his students have written since 1970. I was afraid I might topple over a pile of crap and suffocate under it. At least if that happened I have life insurance again.

(Oh! Good news! Medical benefits came through. I am a real person of value to society again. Had I sustained another type of injury from sharing an office with the Disarrayed-Disorderly One, that would've been totally covered too. And maybe I'd even qualify for Workman's Comp.)

So, the semester starts tomorrow. I am teaching five classes this fall. I'll be fine, I know, but I'll feel a little overwhelmed until it all starts up and I get a routine again. But, it turns out I can move back into my old Academic Assistance and Advising Office since they didn't need the space after all. My desk is permanently locked, and no one has a key to it, but it's MY DESK. And if the person who used it long ago and also lost the key put a bomb inside, then at least I'll blow up in MY OFFICE with MY old computer and MY meager stacks of teacher "resources".


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