Monday, September 11, 2006

Put your best foot forward... or, in my case, the shoes I like best.

And so it happened again today. My students commenting on/critiquing my fashion sense (or maybe, in some of their eyes, my fashion senselessness).

I happen to be wearing a pair of silvery Dr. Marten Mary Janes, which I picked up from Nordstrom Rack about two years ago. Even though I have branched out into other styles and other makers of footwear, I will always buy a pair of Docs on sale. Why? Great quality, pretty timeless style, pretty easy way to express my somewhat punk-ity rock-ity sensibility, comfortable as hell, etc. And even though I don't wear these shoes every day, I like being able to rock them when I want a bit of pep in the step.

The comment came from the front row, toward the end of class: "Andrea, I'm not sure if I like those shoes." Then a nod of agreement from someone else. "Yeah, they kind of look like martian shoes." Another voice, "Hey, have you heard of steel toed shoes? Those are like all steel. They're kind of scaring me."

While this is going on, I'm handing back homework assignments and sort of taking in all the comments. At the end of their commentary, I say, "You know, guys, I'm positive you don't talk to your other instructors like this." But I'm not reprimanding them or anything like that-- I say it all with a smile, because I understand who these kids are and why they act the way they do. Moreover, I understand the importance of having an instructor like myself-- in fact, I preface many things in class with: "Because I'm a nice lady and I care about your academic success..."

I'll wear whatever shoes I want to class. At least it gives them something to talk about.


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