Thursday, October 20, 2005

Happy happy day

Things that make today great:

1. I got new glasses yesterday. Our new medical insurance covers $120.00 toward frames: this means I got a new pair of frames, dark burgundy, little red rhinestones along the sides, for $10.00. I'll be stylin', profilin', AND academic.

2. I ate a pan-toasted chocolate sandwich for breakfast. This idea isn't new at all, but I tried it based on the recipe in Rachel Allen's cookbook RACHEL's FAVOURITE FOOD. Irish people do lots of things well, and imitating French people is one of them.

3. I won a thermal stainless steel coffee mug from my book rep at Bedford-St. Martin's. I came into my office hours, and it was there, sitting on my desk in a box.

Too bad, Niall McMahon, that you do not live in America. I would give you this mug for free, because I already have one like it-- and I happen to know you need a mug with a lid so you don't feel so much Irish Catholic guilt about throwing away styrofoam cups. Come to think of it, though, maybe you should feel guilty-- last I heard from Satan, he said there's a level of hell reserved for those who throw away styrofoam.