Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My New-ish Friends

Last night Andrew and I had another couple, Justin and his wife Abby, to dinner. Andrew has known Justin for several years, because he works at the comic shop where Andrew loads up on villains and superheroes. When they chat, it's usually about D&D or something of that nature; and lately, since Justin has gone back to school as a history major, sometimes they chat about that type of stuff too.

In all the years Andrew has shopped Justin's shop, I never once met Justin's wife. So, when I saw Justin last week, waiting outside a classroom in Anspach Hall (the building I teach in), I invited them to dinner.

Evan was born 21 months ago. Justin's wife Abby made us a cute fleece quilt for him; and it was one of the only blankets we brought to Dublin. We love it that much, but until yesterday, I hadn't met her to say thanks and tell her all this in person.

God puts some people on this earth who are here to remind you that you ought to try harder. And that means to try harder at everything, basically. Abby has many Housewife Superpowers. More than I thought possible in one woman. Here is a short list: canning--chili sauce, fruit, juice; fixing--cars, broken shit in general; remodeling--she knocked down bathroom walls and installed insulation; sewing--crochet, needlepoint, etc.; cooking--she can make her own pasta, and she even has a chicken that lays proper eggs. In short, Abby is a very well-rounded individual, who also happens to have a great personality.

But, there is one thing Abby doesn't do-- drink. So, since she can do everything else, this is one superpower I'm going to keep for myself. And I'm going to work really hard at perfecting my skill: I'm going to sit at my kitchen table, wearing an apron, with a bottle of gin and a jar of olives in front of me. Then I will l pour and drink and pour and drink until I'm sure I've solved all the world's problems.