Monday, September 26, 2005

One good prayer

They handed this prayer card out at church last night:

To my work, let me say "Yes."
To love, let me say, "Yes."
To life, let me say, "Yes."

Even if you're not a churchgoer, or someone who believes in God, it's amazing how powerful these three short statements can be. The connotative meanings are endless; the amount of weight they carry can shift; bascially, it's small enough to carry around and large enough to expand. It's a prayer/thought for all seasons of life, really.

I repeated it to myself, and thought about it this AM as I was doing all my daily AM chores: feeding and bathing Evan, feeding and bathing myself, etc., and I was struck by a deepness of satisfaction. Because while life is filled with daily chores, and some very mundane ones at that, it makes all the difference to do these things with a heart full of joy and light.

(And, no, losers, I'm not being sarcastic... sarcasm, while lots of fun, isn't always constructive; nor is it conducive to creating and maintaining the kind of mood/life-energy that I'm working on creating...)

Discuss: How are you saying "yes" in your life?