Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Po' Bastard's Lonely Peanut-Butter Chocolate Pudding

With Po' Bastard's partner, Bacon Bringer, currently "researching" in Glasgow, Po' Bastard is understandably lonely. Her heart swims in a sea of sorrow. So, what better cure for sorrow than chocolate dessert, right? The only problem is that Po' Bastard is not a whole-cake eater, or a whole-pan of brownies chomper, or even a two-doughnut muncher.

So, wanting to maintain her girlish figure yet also relieve the heaviness engulfing her heart like a storm cloud over Phuket, Po' Bastard did a google search under "chocolate pudding for one," came across this recipe, and made it immediately. Most convenient: made in the microwave, so you can repeat the process easily, again and again, until fully healed.

-1 1/2 tsp. cornstarch
-1/2 c. milk
-pinch salt (though you could definitely leave it out)
-1/4 c. chocolate chips (or any chips you have-- white chocolate, butterscotch, chocolate raspberry, maybe even cinnamon)

Mix the cornstarch, milk, and pinch of salt together until smooth. Put this mixture in the microwave on high for 1 min. to 45 seconds, but don't let it boil. Take it out, stir in the chocolate chips until melted in, and then microwave it again for another 45 seconds-- again, do not let the mixture boil.

-Po' Bastard used peanut butter and chocolate chips, but still added a dash of salt to the recipe. This is not recommended, as peanut butter is already rather salty. Next time, she would leave it out.
-This proably hardens up quite nicely in the fridge. Po' Bastard couldn't wait that long and ate it while it was still warm and runny, and it was still very good indeed.
-People who will like this recipe: Roy Orbison; anyone who lost their virginity on Prom Night and regrets it; anyone partial to wearing floral sweaters while listening to anything by Phil Collins; and Mario Rico.