Monday, February 21, 2005

It's been a long, long time

Now then. I'm assuming all the loyal readers were waiting with baited breath to see what I'd post next. In short, and up-to-date: my mom, dad, and Grandma visited from 2/12-2/20; Evan decided he doesn't like babyfood anymore; and Andrew traded his youthful 29 for an equally youthful 30 (right).

While the company was here, Andrew and I had two dates! I also saw a lot of "tourist" Dublin: the Guinness Storehouse (brilliant marketing-- great lunch), one-third of the Waterford Crystal Factory (glassblowing was the only part open that day), Christ Church Cathedral, and many other things. I ate out more in one week than most people do in a year, had many chats and laughs, and played a few rounds of Scrabble. I think a great time was had by all, and I find the house very quiet now-- even with Evan saying, "Dadada-deedeedee."

The little man eats almost nothing from a jar-- fruit is OK. But for main course fare he only wants food he can feed himself. This is charming and also annoyingly messy. Ever tried cutting chicken into microscopic pieces? A lot of it ends up ground into the carpet. I admire his desire for independence, but I wish he'd respect my desire for a clean house.

Grandpa Tim also took the time to cut Evan's hair, as it was looking a bit Jerry-Garcia-doing-an-impression-of-Slash. Evan now sports a very sleek short fringe in the front. Grandma Patty and I did the back, which looks far less sleek, and more like Evan fell on a hacksaw. Oh well. When I was 13, my grandpa shredded my bangs into a mean kd lang style spike across my forehead. Evan's only 13 months old, my guess is his hair problem won't cause him half as much agony as mine did.

Big congrats are due to a number of folks: Andrew, for turning 30; my sister Amy, who will find out the sex of her baby on 2/28; my friends Chris and James, who will soon find out the sex of THEIR baby, due on 2/28; my Grandma, Angie, who will turn 80 on 3/4; and my sister, Angela, who is happily dating; and my friends (and my sister Angela's friends-- but mostly MY friends) Courtney and Dan, who got engaged over Valentine's weekend.

"Flat foot floogie with a floy-floy."