Thursday, January 06, 2005

Po' Bastard's Freakin' Awesome Focaccia

One of the only reasons Po' Bastard's friends continue to stay friends is because of the recipe below:

-4-4 1/2 cups flour (part whole wheat is OK)
-1/2 c. olive oil
-1 tbsp. salt
-1 packet quick rise yeast
-1 1/3 c. warm water
-sprinkling of cornmeal
-Italian spices of your choice (garlic, basil, oregano, etc.)
-something to decorate the top of the bread

Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. Stir in the olive oil. Add one cup flour, and stir together until very smooth. Add the salt, stir that in, too; and then, the spices to suit your taste-- stir those in. Add the flour one cupful at a time. Keep mixing together. At some point, you won't be able to stir in the flour anymore; mix the dough with your hands until it doesn't stick to your fingers. Leave it on the counter, cover it with the bowl you were mixing it in, and let it rise for about 45 minutes.

After the dough has risen, sprinkle a cookie sheet with a little cornmeal, and spread the dough into a rough square or circle. Dimple it with your fingers, rub a little more olive oil on top, and then decorate with your toppings,-- like cheese, olives, red onion rings, cloves of roasted garlic, whatever. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about 22-25 minutes, until the bread is golden and it sounds hollow when you tap the edge of it with your finger.

1. I served this on Christmas Eve with shredded balsamic-marinated chicken and roasted vegetables. We lined up to make our own sandwiches, and it was quite casual and also good. "Very savoury," commented brother-in-law, the Ultimate Vegetarian; and "Really good," said Pregnant Sister.
2. Remember that a partially whole wheat loaf won't rise as much as an entirely white one. They both taste great, though in my opinion, I think an all-white loaf looks very impressive-- partially whole wheat more rustic.
3. This makes a moist and rich pizza crust, just leave out the spices.
4. Remember: this bread is EASY! It makes itself! There's hardly any work involved. Try it!