Friday, December 17, 2004

The Case of the Missing 75.00 Euro.... Solved

As my reading public is well-aware, the locus of my social interaction these past few months has been the DCU gym. You will also recall, then, how I bitched and moaned about the membership fee of e75.00 for three months, plus an additional e2.50 per workout. As a materialist, I admire the business sense of whoever invented this pocket-fattening fee scheme; but as a Po' Bastard, I think the DCU gym should give me something for free.

The good news is that Po' Bastard wasn't disappointed. It is now perfectly clear why it costs so GODdamn much to join the gym. It's because I got a Christmas card from them. The card itself must've cost at least e25.00, and the postage another e25.00, the ink for printing out the labels probably cost about e20.00, which leaves e5.00 leftover for the poor desk worker who worked so hard to write personal messages in each card. That desk worker probably has carpal tunnel now.
In America, we could sue for something like that.

I wonder what Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, and Mother's Day will bring. Hopefully a fat 20 karat three-strand diamond necklace, a check for a million Euro, a martini-glass shaped bathtub filled with gin and olives, and a Cadillac which can morph into a houseboat at the touch of a button.

I don't think it's too much to ask.