Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Mother-in-law arrives!

Yes, I! did! write! that! with! an! exclamation! point!! (I've put two at the end there, for emphasis, you see, otherwise you might not understand how glad we-- Andrew, Evan, and I-- are to see her). One suitcase was full of diapers and baby food and toys, and the other was full of stuff for Andrew and I: Coffee (again, capital for emphasis), cornmeal (not to be found here), a Star Wars DVD boxset, three pieces of bling for me-- all with rhinestones and colorful dangly things, and many treats of happiness.

You must understand that my life here was very dark and meaningless, until today.

Another piece of good news: I now have 99 pages of fiction. I wanted to write 100 by Monday, but I missed my goal by one day and one page. A song to commemorate my Greatness: 99 pages of fiction under my belt, 99 more to go, write some down, read it out loud, 99 pages more to go!