Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Random thoughts... helping me to avoid real writing

I've just been to visit punkfitnessdetroit.com. I've mentioned this awesome class in a previous post, but I strongly urge everyone to try it out. It's the most rockin' good sweaty fun you will ever have in a fitness class. I only made it there one time before we moved to Dublin, but there's no class like that here-- so, my current options of step, circuits (NO!), boxercise, and more step-- are pretty grim in comparison. But, because packaged biscuits here are soooo good, and because it's easy to eat a brownie when I'm bored in the afternoon, I gotta do something, right?

I will never know what it is about taco salad that makes my stomach hurt. Every time I eat it. Was it the minced turkey? The salsa? The chips? Sour cream?

My friend Steven teaches English in Japan. After the election results were in, he had a party with friends so they could recover from their misery. There was eating, singing, drinking, and dancing. I wish I could've been there. Interesting thing I heard on Dublin City's "Special Interest" station today: 70% of Irish people would've voted for Kerry.

Evan cried when I told him "no-no" he couldn't play in the recycling. He cried like it mortally wounded his feelings. I can now go to bed with the satisfaction of knowing that I am The Meanest Mom in The World.