Sunday, January 14, 2007

Evan Begins to Say The Darndest Things

As we all know, Evan has been rather behind in the development of his speech. Since starting to attend his speech and language intensive classroom, he's already made progress. Some of the progress is subtle-- he isn't necessarily adding new vocabulary every day, but he is beginning to say certain things more clearly, so that even strangers can understand.

Saturday: Evan and I coming out of Wal-Mart. We are stopped at the vending and treat machines-- I've given him two quarters to buy a bouncy ball. Right as he's about to turn the handle, a midget father and his midget daughter come through the entrance. Evan points and says loudly, "What's that?" I say, "Those are little people. That's a dada and his girl." Midget Dada says, "Hi!" and waves. Evan stares.

Sunday: Andrew giving Evan a bath. Evan is playing with a rubber duck and a wind-up killer whale. The whale and the duck are having a conversation, which Evan narrates:

Duck: Wanna see a show?
Whale: Uh-huh!
Duck: Wanna see CARS?
Whale: Uh-huh!
Duck: Let's go!

Hm. This time last year he was barely saying "Mama."


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