Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Grading and Grace

Well, I have finally finished. The semester is over, and along with that so is teaching five classes, and completing enormous amounts of grading. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is. I plan on doing nothing school-related for at least the next two weeks.

Somehow, though, this week filled up with other commitments pretty fast. Evan and I have been out and about for the past few afternoons, shopping and collecting much-needed holiday items like wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, etc. Truth be told, I hate spending money on wrapping paper and stuff like that. I wish that people would just put everything in decorative bags and call it a day. Another thing that sucks about wrapping presents is that shops don't seem to give out boxes anymore. So, you have to BUY boxes and wrapping paper.

I have also been busy sorting out the arrangements for Evan to attend school shortly after the New Year, when he turns 3. He will go to a speech and launguage intensive classroom, Monday-Friday, for 2.5 hrs. per day. I will go with him to school for the first few days so he will make a smooth transition. After that, he will go on his own, on the bus, like a big boy.

Evan's favorite things lately are Curious George and anything vehicle-related.

(Boy, this is a random entry.)

Today, when Evan and I were at the grocery store, I told him, "OK, next we have to buy some spinach." We went over to the frozen veg section and I said, "There's the spinach." And Evan said, no joke, "Where's Popeye?" My only reply, "I don't know, Evan, but that's a good question."

This week, we were also looking at pictures of my nephew online. There's one of him petting a goat at a farm. I said, "Look, Evan, there's Lincoln petting a goat." And Evan said, "No, Mama, it's a sheep." (What?! My kid can't say "blue," "yellow," or "truck", but he can bust out with a five word sentence? Speech and language problems are really strange, frustrating, and fascinating).

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo. (I promise that my entries will improve in content and focus over the holiday season).


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