Friday, March 10, 2006

Spring Break highlights

Unlike many of my students, I did not spend the majority of my Spring Break days wearing a thong bikini on a hot, sunny, sandy, and sweaty beach. I also did not spend my Spring Break nights unintentionally auditioning for GIRLZ GONE WILD PART 4004. (In reality, I had only one night like that, and it ended with professing "mad love" for the DJ--a good friend who I hadn't seen in 2.5 years, slipping and falling on the ice on my way out the door, and laughing and crying hysterically about both while wolfing a plate of french toast at Ram's Horn with other wedding-guest rejects and castaways).

Evan and I spent Spring Break at home with my mom and dad, neither of whom was on break. My dad went to work in the day as usual, and came home at night to play with Evan. My mom ended up on break only because she contracted some kind of flu-like illness that caused her to quarantine herself in my sister Angela's old room for three days. She spent a lot of that time sleeping, and when not sleeping, wistfully yelling things down the stairs at Evan and I, who were doing our loud usual play-type things: "Gee, it sure sounds like you're having fun down there!", "Evan, I miss you! Next time when you come to stay with Grandma Patty she promises to feel better...", "What are you laughing about?", etc.

The upside of Spring Break is that Andrew got a lot of time by himself to write that bitch-of-a-thing-called-dissertation. And the upside for me is that I got to spend time with people I love most in life, my family, my son, the friends I grew up with. So, here are the things I did on my Spring Break, in no order of preference:

1. Attended Lauren and Peter's rehearsal dinner as Angela's stunt date. Attended the dancing/drinking portion of Lauren and Peter's wedding reception with Fantasically Gay Terry-- not as stunt date, but as invited "wedding crashers". Wore smokin' outfit. Found out whisky makes me into an emotional drunk.

2. Saw BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN for second time at the Main Art Theatre, with Fantastically Gay Terry, Courtney, and her mom. Ate very cheesy, sauce-free pizza. Asked for some suace on the side.

3. Graded papers.

4. Graded papers.

5. Stressed over fall employment. Made my mind up to apply for full-time work at CMU for next fall. Stressed over lengthy content of application packet. Stressed over when to begin writing application, as it's due on 3/15.

6. Graded papers.

7. Made good soup with pepperoni, ham, and cheese tortellini in it. Delivered soup to Munka, Husband, and new baby Beatrix. Held Beatrix. Loved Beatrix. Felt uterus comment, "Hmmmm.... when's it my turn again?"

8. Had lunch with Chris and baby Brooklyn. Compared sizes of children-- Evan, 26 months, probably about 25 lbs.; Brooklyn, age 1 year, about 21 lbs. Developed child force-feeding plan yet to be implemented.

9. Remained consistently sad that Carolyn was vacationing in Mexico, so I missed her.

10. Had drinks and gossipy hen-chat with new friend, old neighbor, Ann. Red wine sure is muy delicioso.

11. Drove Angela to college to retrieve the driver's license she'd left behind at the student center. Made fun of Angela. Saw Angela give her pet tortoise a shot in its neck. Gross, but admired Angela for her gentle touch and good aim.

12. Went to playgroup at my old church. Playgroup is run by DJ from Lauren and Peter's wedding reception. He commented on the size of my hangover. Haha. Compared size of DJ's son to Evan. Forcefeeding plan tumbles in head like a dryer sheet.

13. Hung out at car dealership while they performed $450.00 worth of maintenance (and oral sex) on the car. Entertained Evan with chocolate and free arcade game: Pac-Man, Frogger, etc. He walked around dealership pointing at floor models and saying "Oooooo!" and touching the tires.

14. Drove home to Mt. Pleasant. Spent today at the gym working off overindulgence, then at Wal-Mart looking for new PJ's for Evan, and then on that-bitch-of-a-thing-I-call-application-for-full-time-employment-at-CMU.

Fa Shizzle.