Saturday, February 04, 2006

Swimming Lesson

Evan's aunt Amy bought him swimming lessons at the CMU pool for his birthday. I was very excited about this new chance for him to meet some other kids, and also to spend some time doing something different--other than playing Legos and puppets-- with him. I'll do anything for my kid, even wear a bathing suit!

Evan (and Mama) adjusted pretty well to the freezing temp of the pool, and he seemed to enjoy trying to carry as many pool toys as he could in his arms, which hindered him from paddling in the water when asked to. It was also cute to see all the other little people attempting to kick and splash. Some were fine with being in the water, and others clung to their moms or dads like they were being lowered into a firey (sp?) pit of hell: a pair of identical twin girls screamed the entire time they were there.

The only problem with this entire adorable scene was the instructor. She was about sixteen years old, shy as could be, and her voice carried only far enough to reach the two parents standing closest to her. It was evident that she felt she was running out of things to do: we sang a few songs, most of which she didn't know the lyrics to-- come on! Who can't improvise "The Wheels on the Bus"!?--played Simon Says, where her last command was "Simon Says you can have free time!" after which she left the pool. Hopefully she will get better and more confident as the class goes on.

If things stay the same, I'm going to hold a dirty revolt whereby all the parents "forget" to put swim diapers on their kids.