Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

Well, in the midst of packing, sorting, throwing things away, tossing others aside, and keeping some... I thought I'd just put one last post "out there" to say thanks to all our friends and family who've been so generous to us all year long: keeping in touch, visiting, sending care packages, etc. It is all greatly appreciated! Without help from our American family, Evan would've been wearing nappies made from newspaper and shopping bags (those little bitches are EXPENSIVE here); I would've been brushing my teeth with a dish cloth; and Andrew would've used bleach as deodorant.

But, we made it through ten months of Dublin--prices, weather, occasional homesickness; and we're arriving in Detroit on 7/28... bags and parts and pieces all...

So, a few more special thanks to people here, who've made the last months of my time in DUB enjoyable, interesting, and multi-cultural: to Lucy, my Welsh Wife, whose companionship and humor I'll treasure always; the ladies at Fulbright Ireland-- Carmel and Sonya-- whose follow-through, attention to detail, and advice were absolutely essential to maintaining my sanity; to Andrew's advisors, Gary Murphy, Jim Schmiechen, and Tim O'Neill, who think everything Andrew does is full of scholarly promise; to all the people who look fwd. to seeing Evan and I walking around campus; and to my only Irish friend, Niall, whose many kindnesses will never be forgotten.

Slainte. Word.