Thursday, May 19, 2005

Veinte y ocho

Today was my 28th birthday. For those of you who are too young to understand, or just too old to remember your youth, this means I am now in my late twenties. Being in one's late twenties is very serious business indeed... no longer in my carefree early twenties, or my identity-crises mid-twenties, I have finally figured out who I am and where my life is headed. So, I have set forth the following goals, which I intend to reach before I turn 30:

1. Do something.
2. If something doesn't work out, do something else.
3. If something else fails, do anything.
4. If anything sounds too desperate to your family and friends down the pub, don't mention that you'll soon seek an anything at all. They might not handle the truth well.
6. If anything at all is an utter letdown, then there's only one alternative: NOTHING.
7. Dedicate yourself to nothing, then. Get really good at nothing. Become flexible and limber while practicing nothing. Get more smarter and more faster at nothing. Be the best at NOTHING!

YAY!! Graduate from the school of hard knocks with flying 'effin colours.