Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Damn shame about Tesco

I'm so sick of Ireland right now. There's a special brand of incompetence that only happens in Ireland. People can't give directions (well, neither can I), they can't properly estimate time or distance, and they have too many long weekends.

Tesco just called to say they're running two hours behind on deliveries today. Why, you ask? Well, it's because yesterday was a "Bank Holiday," meaning lots of people have called in "sick" to work. An American would just go to work hungover. Fine, go ahead and sleep it off, you Irish BABIES!

I want my car that I can drive to the store and load up with groceries myself! I want a fucking big-assed SUV size refrigerator with a freezer large enough to stack enough pizzas to feed Somalia. Most of all, I'm sick of paying for laundry and washing dishes. For the love of God, ENOUGH!