Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Grading and Grace

Well, I have finally finished. The semester is over, and along with that so is teaching five classes, and completing enormous amounts of grading. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is. I plan on doing nothing school-related for at least the next two weeks.

Somehow, though, this week filled up with other commitments pretty fast. Evan and I have been out and about for the past few afternoons, shopping and collecting much-needed holiday items like wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, etc. Truth be told, I hate spending money on wrapping paper and stuff like that. I wish that people would just put everything in decorative bags and call it a day. Another thing that sucks about wrapping presents is that shops don't seem to give out boxes anymore. So, you have to BUY boxes and wrapping paper.

I have also been busy sorting out the arrangements for Evan to attend school shortly after the New Year, when he turns 3. He will go to a speech and launguage intensive classroom, Monday-Friday, for 2.5 hrs. per day. I will go with him to school for the first few days so he will make a smooth transition. After that, he will go on his own, on the bus, like a big boy.

Evan's favorite things lately are Curious George and anything vehicle-related.

(Boy, this is a random entry.)

Today, when Evan and I were at the grocery store, I told him, "OK, next we have to buy some spinach." We went over to the frozen veg section and I said, "There's the spinach." And Evan said, no joke, "Where's Popeye?" My only reply, "I don't know, Evan, but that's a good question."

This week, we were also looking at pictures of my nephew online. There's one of him petting a goat at a farm. I said, "Look, Evan, there's Lincoln petting a goat." And Evan said, "No, Mama, it's a sheep." (What?! My kid can't say "blue," "yellow," or "truck", but he can bust out with a five word sentence? Speech and language problems are really strange, frustrating, and fascinating).

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo. (I promise that my entries will improve in content and focus over the holiday season).

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Po' Bastard's Holiday Burger

I'm not gonna lie-- sometimes the results of Po' Bastard's culinary experiments stun even herself. These were a really really good idea.

-1 lb. lean ground turkey
-2/3 c. Stouffer's stuffing, from the canister
-1.4 c. jellied cranberry sauce, mixed with a spoon until smooth
-1 tsp. sage

Mix all ingredients together in a big bowl. Form into four large-ish patties. Put in fridge for at least half an hour to firm up. Take out of fridge. Heat a grill-type pan on medium-high, oil it lightly. Fry burgers on for about 6 minutes on each side. Give them a few minutes to rest before putting onto a warm bun.

Things to try next time:
1. Sweet potato fries alongside.
2. A whole grain bun.
3. Maybe some crispy bacon on top? But, maybe not, too.
4. I'd like to invent an interesting but tasty condiment. Cranberry mayo, anyone?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's The Hap-happiest time of the year... or something

This isn't my most fave time of year. I'd venture to guess that it's the same for most people teaching in higher ed. Why? Well, because next week is finals week-- and then, comes grading said finals, then factoring final grades-- then submitting grades-- and then, shortly thereafter, the student whining emails arrive: "Dear Mrs. Devenney: Merry Christmas and all. I can't help but notice that you gave me a c+ in your class. I don't understand how this is possible because I've only had three late assignments and I'm sure I didn't do bad on my final exam-- did I?..."

I hope I don't get any correspondence like this this year. It's very annoying and takes valuable time away from other things I'd rather be doing-- like totally forgetting about my students.

Anyway, in the final push toward finals week, I've set myself a goal of reading 7 papers a day. I think I can manage it. On that note, I'm off.