Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Evan Goes "Tricky-Treating"

This year Evan did get into the Halloween spirit. He wore a Batman suit, but not the cape or the mask, and had an eventful day of festive activities.

At school, they had a Halloween party and went trick-or-treating around the building. He decorated a great treat bag which looked remarkably like Frankenstein. I have decided to save it, because it's just so cute. I made it to school in time to hear the kids sing two Halloween songs, "Old Lady" ("There once was a woman all skin and bones, oo-oo-oo-oo; she went outside to take a walk, oo-oo-oo-oo; she went down by the old grave yard, oo-oo-oo-oo...") and some other one I don't remember. I remember "Old Lady" only because I used to sing that in music class as a kid.

One trip we had to make today was to the pulmonologist's office in Lansing. While that was some boring time in the car, he even collected a treat bag at the doc's office-- this one even had toys in it! Play-Doh! Stickers! Coloring book! Oh my!

Then we went back to Grandma Marcie's house and went door-to-door there, collecting yet more loot. The funniest incident of the day occurred there as well. What follows is an accurate approximation thereof:

Evan, knocking on the door: Tricky-treat!

The door opens, a woman with huge glasses, straggly long white hair, and one tooth in her whole face is standing there, proffering up a large bowl of candy: Well, Happy Halloween! And what's your costume?

Grandma Marcie: This is Batman, but he's off-duty, that's why he doesn't have his mask and cape...

Creepy Lady, laughing, her one tooth gleaming like a wet white dagger: Hahahaaahaha!!

Evan, mystified, and reaching for a treat: Look, his teeth are broken. See, Mom? See the broken teeth?

Creepy Lady, still laughing: Hahahahahahaaaa, that's OK... he's right!

Evan: See the broken teeth?

Me, very embarrassed: Yes, Evan, I do see....

Creepy Lady, still laughing: Aaaaahahahahahaha..... Happy Halloween!

Evan, as we're walking away from the door: Why his teeth look like that, Mom? Why his teeth were broken like that?

Me: I dunno, Evan. That's just how they look.

Thankfully then Evan spied another door with a pumpkin sign on it, and we were able to drop the subject of the Lady with the Broken Teeth-- who Evan had also called "him" instead of "her".

When he's older, I'll explain in detail how hard it is for the working poor to get proper dental care. And then I'll tell him how lucky he is to have dental insurance.


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