Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mama's Busy Day

Well, here it is... office hours, which instead of being used to complete office-y tasks are being used for other useful things-- updating this blog, for example; and watching a group of three freshman girls in flip-flops and capri pants throw a Frisbee outside my window.

I've just come from having lunch with my mom and Son-of-Bacon, but my day began much much earlier, at 8:15 AM, when I had an intro meeting for one of my part-time temporary summer jobs (someday, someday, I'd like to talk about work without putting all those qualifiers in front) with the Summer Academic Orientation staff.

I'm really looking forward to this job, because it's going to put me in touch with many people around the university who do not work in the English Dept. The larger variety of people I know the more knowledge I can share with my colleagues. The one thing I am not looking forward to is that I'll have to dress like kind of a tool: khaki pants or skirt, tennis shoes (what?!-- I only wear them to EXERCISE), and a CMU shirt and windbreaker. I'll definitely look the part of I-can-sell-this-university.... so, I guess I'll feel it, too?

I finish teaching at 4:00, then go home, then drop Evan off at his Grandma's for the night. Then, prepare meticulously for my poetry reading this evening. And, by meticulous, I mean combing my hair, putting on my bangin' new suit (yes, I FINALLY found something to wear), and repeating the phrase, "You are the best writer in the world," over and over to myself.

Being well-connected rules. Working part-time temporary summer jobs rules. Being popular rules, too.