Thursday, April 10, 2008

Evan Wants to Trade

Evan and I were sitting outside playing with Moonsand, the messiest toy ever, and we were discussing the neighbor's dog, Emma, who was attached to a stake in front of her building, calmly watching her owner Al rake dog poo out of the lawn.

Evan: And what's that dog's name?

Me: That's Emma the dog.

Evan: Emma the dog.

Me: Yup.

Evan: Could I go over there to say hi to her?

Me, talking to owner: He wants to know if your dog is friendly.

Owner: Well, sometimes she is. She's still a puppy and isn't too used to people who live outside her house.

Evan: What did he say?

Me: Well, he said that it will take some time to become friends with Emma. She's a big dog, but she's still just a baby and she's very shy.

Evan: OK. I will say hi to her. Hi, Emma.

Me: Good job.

Evan: Hey mom, I have a great idea.

Me: What is it, Evan?

Evan: Mom, maybe you could leave to another town; and then my dad and my Grandma Marcie can get a dog for me.
