Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving highlights

We spent the holiday weekend in Grand Rapids at our aunts' house. A great time was had by all: the food was splendid, and the company was very good, too.

However, the highlight of my weekend came on Wednesday night, when Angela, Evan, Aunt Janette, and me were playing instruments that Angela had brought on Evan's request. I was on the bamboo rattle, Evan was croaking out time with a wooden frog, Aunt Janette was on the "Hit Stix" (a weirdo toy from the 80's that my mom salvaged from somewhere), and Angela was on recorder.

While playing we discovered that Evan mostly liked "The Drunken Sailor" song. We played it over and over, at varying tempos. We played it over and over, substituting people's names --"What do you do with a drunken daddy, what do you do with a drunken daddy, what do you do with a drunken daddy, early in the morning!"

The best part came when we were about to launch into playing it again, and Evan insisted on counting us off: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... Break it down! TAKE IT!" We were all laughing so hard we could barely play.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Evan Comments on Size

Yesterday afternoon, Evan and I went thrifting with my up-North BFF, Shana, whom Evan calls "Yellow Mama" (though we've never figured out quite why).

While we were combing the racks at Goodwill, Evan happened to notice a certain individual. What follows is an accurate approximation of his commentary:

Evan: Mom, Mom, why that person shopping here?

Me, looking around: What person, Evan?

Evan: That person, that BIIIIIG person over there.... he is so BIG!

Me, noticing a very rotund woman browsing the plus-size sweaters: Evan....

Evan: He can't shop here... he is too BIIIIG to fit in this shop!

Me: Evan, anyone of any size can shop at Goodwill...

Evan: But, no, he is too BIG for this shop! No clothes here will fit him!

Me: Yes, Evan, I'm sure she will find some clothes. Goodwill has clothes for all sizes of people, and that's why people shop here.

It could've gone on, had the sofa section not caught his eye. We made a beeline for that area.