Wednesday, August 24, 2005

So sue me...

Yes, it can be universally agreed that I am a lazy son-uva-gun writer. I'm so lazy that I haven't updated this since we left Dublin; I'm so lazy that I haven't updated this since we've been living in Troy with my parents; and, God Bless it, I haven't updated this since we made the decision to move back to Mt. Pleasant (aka Cletus Country), and since the Fates (and the Chair of the English Dept. at CMU, and the Assistant Director for Academic Advising) have smiled upon me and handed two classes my way.

So, two big changes this fall: 1) having a job (teaching Adademic Learning Skills and Freshman Composition, BTW), and2) moving back to a community I'm already familiar with. To be honest, I'm not too worried about either thing.

At the moment, I mostly worry about my sister Angela, in hospital. No doc ('scuse me, "specialist") seems to be able to tell us why her heart is beating irregularly. Most annoying is that the docs don't talk to one another, and all have different opinions-- and seem completely unable (or unwilling?) to synthesize them. Don't people with God-complex speak to other people with the same disorder? Isn't there a support group or communication skills class for people like that?

The world is full of jerks, retards, and complete feckers.